Saharar emakumeek hamadako egarriari, basamortuko madarikazioari, aurre egiten diote egunero. Heriotza baino ez zutela topatuko aurreikusten zuten lekuan euren babeslekua eraiki dute. Bertan berrogei urte baino gehiago igaro ondoren familien beharizanen arabera ur tanta bakoitza banatzeaz arduratzen dira… eta itxaroten dute. Ur falta baino latzagoa den egarriak lehortzen ditu euren eztarriak eta ez dute hori ase dezakeen ezer aurkitzen.
The Saharawi women face the thirst of the hamada, the curse of the desert, every day. They’ve built their refuge in a land where no one could survive before. For more than forty years they’ve been holding out and taking care of their people there. They ensure every drop of water is distributed according to the needs of each family … and they wait. But there’s an even more terrible thirst in their throats, for which they find no relief.